To Investigate the Variation of the Resistance of a Thermistor with Temperature

The electrical resistance of a thermistor depends on its temperature. In this experiment a thermistor is connected to an ohmmeter to measure its resistance. The temperature of the thermistor is then slowly incresed by placing it in a test tube of glycerol which is, in turn, placed in a beaker of water which is heated. The water is heated slowly and resistance readings are taken at a number of different steady temperatures. The resistance of the thermistor drops very quickly with increasing temperature so take resistance readings after small temperature increases at the start of the experiment.

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  1. Record the starting temperature and the resistance reading in a table.

  2. Press "Heater On".

  3. After a rise of 3 or 4 degrees press "Heater Off". Wait until the temperature stops rising as in the real world. Record the temperature and resistance values.

  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have recorded at least six sets of readings. Larger temperature increases (8 deg.) or more can be used as the experiment proceeds.

  5. To repeat the experiment press "Reset" and repeat the experiment procedure.


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